6. Here select your Windows 7 OS and note down your Windows 7 Drive letter before clicking Next.

7. In the following window, click Command Prompt to start downgrading from Windows 7 to XP.

8. First, you need to move all the contents of your Windows 7 drive to a folder. So type the following commands one by one and then hit enter after each command (here “D” is your Windows 7 drive letter).

Md Win7
Move Windows Win7Windows
Move “Program Files” “Win7Program Files”
Move Users Win7Users
Attrib –h –s –r ProgramData
Move ProgramData Win7ProgramData
Rd “Documents and Settings”

9. Next, you need to copy all the contents of Windows.old folder to the drive. Again, type all the commands mentioned below one by one and then hit enter after each command.

move /y d:Windows.oldWindows d:
move /y “d:Windows.oldProgram Files” d:
move /y “d:Windows.oldDocuments and Settings” d:
10. Next task is to restore the boot sector by entering the following command:
E:bootbootsect /nt52 d:
(Where E is your DVD driver letter & D is OS drive letter)
11. Finally, restore the boot.ini file by executing the following commands:
Attrib –h –s –r boot.ini.saved
Copy boot.ini.saved boot.ini

12. Type Exit and reboot your machine to start using your Windows XP again. You are done! If you want to free up some disk space, delete Win7 folder in the root of your XP drive. Good luck!

Short answer, Yes.
Long answer, No, you shouldn't.
You could install Windows XP on your machine with the Original Installation Disks that came with your Computer (If it is that old), however, I would strongly recommend not doing so. Windows XP is past its end-of-life support date, meaning that Microsoft is not releasing (to the general public) security updates or patches. This makes for a very insecure operating system.
If you are really against having windows 10 on your Device, I would recommend going back to Windows 7. There may be some cost associated with it in order to obtain the Installation Media. There are also some unknowns that could affect the answer to your question, such as the original Operating System on your PC, or the hardware involved.
Free downgrade to windows xp from windows 8
The solution that I would recommend is to stick with Windows 10. It is different in a few ways, but just like every iteration of Windows up until now, we have gotten used to it, and have been better for it in the long run.

Revert Back To Windows Xp

Give the community a chance to solve your questions about Windows 10 before you decide to downgrade your Operating System to a previous version. It is a very flexible and customizeable Operating System, allowing for tons of configuration.